About FUEL

  • Every Sunday from 5-6 pm at 15233 Quartz Creek Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80908. Only 1 hour of your week! Students can chill and hang out until 6:30.

    There will be some Sundays we don’t meet, but that will always be posted on the website and Instagram.

  • It is not. Fuel is a non-denominational Christian youth group for all high school students, 9th - 12th grade. We do encourage students to get involved in church and stay connected in organizations like YoungLife and FCA.

    High school students from all schools are welcome!

  • 5:00 pm Doors Open

    5:15 pm Welcome / Recap

    5:25 pm Dinner

    5:35 pm Message

    5:50 pm Group Time

    6:00 pm Social Time

    6:30 pm Beat It

  • FUEL was founded by and is led by Todd Crane. Click here for his bio.

  • FUEL's mission is to foster a sense of community and provide students with a compelling reason to embrace the Christian faith, not only during their high school years but for the entirety of their lives. My unique perspective, having not grown up in the Christian tradition, equips me with a wealth of life experiences that can resonate with a broad spectrum of students. Furthermore, as my personal journey toward Christianity was guided by apologetics—providing fact-based answers to faith-based questions—we will place a strong emphasis on apologetic teaching.

    Every week, students will leave with 1 simple idea to wrestle with and 1 apologetic fact to research.

  • High school students who are passionate about their faith and high school students who are indifferent to faith.

    High school students who want to learn more and high school students who are on the fence.

    High school students who have questions about faith and high school students who don’t know the questions to ask.

    High school students who want a place to invite their friends and high school students who want to meet new friends.

    High school students that just want free food.

  • FUEL stands for God wants For U an Epic Life. The 1010 comes from John 10:10, “A thief comes only to kill and steal and destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance” (HCSB version).

  • If you have one and want to bring it, feel free, but most everyone will use a bible app on their phone. I recommend the Bible App from YouVersion.

  • Free food isn’t really free. We are providing it every week, but if parents want to help financially, that would be fantastic! You can call or text me at 719-482-5359 to discuss, but my venmo is todd-crane-2 and my paypal is @ToddCrane or you can use my email toddacrane@gmail.com.

    We are not set up as a nonprofit, so donations will not be deductible. I may add that in the future.